Saturday, June 03, 2006

Happy First Birthday Baby!

It seems just like yesterday that we made our way to the hospital, doubtful if we'd be admitted due to "imperfect, irregular" contractions. It seems not so long ago that we held you in our arms for the first time and called you Andrew. Was it already a year ago that we first introduced you to your curious and proud brother and sister? I recall with love the first smiles, first foods in the high chair, sitting up and crawling. I treasure in my heart all the sweet, happy moments nursing you in the rocker and touching your sweet skin and hair. It makes a tear come to my eye to know that today you turn one year old.

Yet it gives me great joy and brings a smile to my face to see the little boy you are becoming. It will be only a short few weeks before you walk and then run. I look forward to hearing you speak those first real words. I can't wait to see if golfing really is your thing. I anticipate with much excitement and happiness each day that I get to watch you grow and become the precious little person God has in mind. I am proud to be your Mommy!

What a special day this has been! I love you so much. Happy Birthday, Andrew.

1 comment:

andria said...

Happy Birthday Andrew!

I cannot believe a year has passed. He is so sweet.