Tuesday, May 07, 2013


Peace. Coveted peace. Peace of mind. Peace of soul. Peace in my heart. Where do I find peace?

This morning is filled with peace. Peace in our home (I use that term lightly) and peace within me reigns this new day. I am praising God that truly His mercies are new every morning. Yesterday was less than peaceful after a long, tiring weekend. We got a slow start. Some of the kids slept way too late. Our whole timing was off. School work took grumpy, tired children much longer to complete.

It is easy for me tell myself that the peace that has begun this day is a direct result of MY diligence in getting everyone out of bed much earlier (and an earlier bedtime last night), of MY ability to get things accomplished this morning before school begins, and of MY CHILDREN'S peaceful cooperation thus far. If I believe this then I am deceiving myself and allowing the "deceiver" to let me believe that peace is a direct result of something I have done.

So I stop right there. True peace is only found when I am putting myself in Jesus' presence all day long and trusting Him with every morsel of time. It is only by His grace and mercy and faithfulness that yesterday was labeled "less than peaceful" and NOT "disaster"! I know you know this truth deep down. So do I. But, oh, how easy it is to let those little lies slip into our minds and make a home.

Peace in Christ today!

As I was praying on this yesterday as well, I began to think of what robs my peace that Jesus offers so freely. More on that later.

So what robs you of peace?



1 comment:

Quilty Kayse said...

Words I needed to hear.