Which also, inevitably, leads to this!
P.S. - I did not at any time leave my child unattended to go grab the camera. All I had to do was follow him around for a few minutes with camera in hand. He is fast as lightning and oh, so funny. Yes, we do take safety measures seriously. This boy keeps us hopping!
He is so very cute!! And we would never think you are lax on safety measures. He looks like a Nicholas in the making. Mine was 8 months when he figured out how to climb on the table. Now at 3, he has figured how to scale the cabinets to get into the upper cabinets. I always thought a friend of mine was crazy when she said her little boy could scale the cabinets and perch himself on top of the refrigerator. Now I know! Things to look forward to.
Hey, I'm on my 6th baby and I never thought to put the chairs down like that. I've completely relocated them, but your way is better. Thanks!!
How cute! Definitely a creative way to keep him off the table. My kids weren't real big on climbing on the table (though it did happen), but everything else pretty much gets climbed! I think Mikey's just trying to give you a little extra exercise as you chase him around all day. Isn't that how we keep in shape? :)
He and David would tear our homes apart in 2.5 seconds if they got together!
I love it! Of course, I love it because it's happening to YOU. ;) Roan is headed down the same path, I fear. Already, at seven months old, he has two teeth crawls with speed and is pulling himself up on things! AHH!!! I have a feeling he'll walk before all the others.
Cheers, Friend.
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