Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Great Adventure?

All right. Enough adventure already. I would really appreciate an uneventful day tomorrow, but at the same time, part of me says, "Bring it on!!!!!"

The past two days have had some interesting adventures:

Monday. 9 a.m.
Nicole skips from the kitchen to the den and skips through the pile of dirty sheets and towels. She falls and hits herself on the wooden end table. I ran faster than I knew I could to scoop her up. Finally, I saw her injury. She had hit her earlobe on the corner of the table. It split the front open and pierced it through to the back AND made a small cut on her neck behind. Brian came home to take her to the ER and they were able to glue her back together again. They gave her lime sherbet and graham crackers, let her watch PBS and she came home in cheerful spirits.

Tuesday. 11 a.m.
I opened the back door to the patio to check on the plants and let in a little fresh air. I also let in a GIANT bumblebee. I am not exaggerating - at least 3/4" long and fat as all get out. GIANT bumblebee. Now, mind you, I was a bit panicky and edgy after a mortal duel with a wasp just last week - he got in the same back door. He flew to the kitchen window and I was able to trap him in the blinds (my trick). But there was no way I could smash this sucker without completely destroying the blinds - he was so huge. I had already mangled the blinds in the kids' room in my wasp battle (I did win). I did the best I could to keep him from escaping. In between frantic calls to Brian, I was able to unlock the window from the inside and raise from the outside. I prayed he would find his way out. He did. To the kitchen side of the blinds!!!!! But he desperately wanted back in the blinds and finally found his way back in - poor confused bee. After a while I didn't hear him anymore - he had found his way to freedom. Praise God! I released the children from their room upstairs and sat down to breathe and wipe the dripping sweat from every part of my body.

After all this, I am a bit nervous to see what Wednesday has to hold. Whatever it may be, I believe God is building strengths in me I didn't know I possessed.

Happy Wednesday!


Crafty Mom said...

Oh Dear!! Poor Nicole! And poor you!! There is nothing I despise more than bugs intruding into my home, and especially the bee, wasp variety. I know all too well that feeling of dread and sweat in my own battles with those guys.

We have had lots of bumblebees, luckily outside. They like to hang around us on the porch, but they mainly just hover and fly away. The wasps are what I dislike. They look ugly, come too close, and I don't want anything crawling on me.

Hope everything settles down soon.

Jen said...

Oh my! I hate bees, and wasps even more. Ilet one in a few weeks ago and my sister killed it. I was nursing the baby so she did it for me. I'm still grateful for that!

When days like these happen, I remembersomething I read once.

God doesn't call the equipt. He equipts the ones He calls.

Should you have another adventure today, graces will be abound!