Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Happy Birthday Handsome!

Yep! Today is your birthday. And what a special day it is! For you. For me. For the little people who love you. Life is brighter because you were born. I can't imagine my world without you! And to think God created you for me. He prepared you all those years for you to be here, right now, doing exactly what you are doing. I am so proud of the man you are. I love you with all my heart!

Last June on our trip to Arkansas! The smile hasn't changed a bit!

4 months

5 months

3 1/2 years

8 years


mom-in-training said...

Love all the pictures, Cel! I can really see Jacob's resemblence to Brian when I look at them - all your kids, really. I just love that 5 month shot - too cute! Thanks for sharing!

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Brian! :)

Crafty Mom said...

I always thought Jacob looked like Brian and Nicole looked more like you. I was soooo wrong. I now think Nicole has a stunning resemblance to Brian in his younger years. I can totally see her sweet smile in him. Tell him Happy B-Day from us Ohioans.