Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Canary Story


There was a lady I knew who loved canaries and decided to buy herself a new one. And that she did! She deliberated for days over a suitable name and finally the call came. HIS name would be "Sing-Sing." I applauded the choice - so appropriate for a BOY canary. But there was a slight problem with Sing-Sing. He was not much inclined to sing-sing. So singing lessons were begun. Only the best and most time-tested methods. She accustomed HIM to arias, country crooners, Irish ballads and, of course, a good dose of mariachi music. Still HIS sing-sing was half-hearted. Then HE began this odd little habit of pulling out feathers and stashing them in a corner. HE was given string to distract HIM. It too was shredded and stashed along with the feathers. This lady, whose knowledge of canaries, in my opinion is at or near expert level (REALLY), called the trusty shop that sold her little Sing-Sing and it was determined that if a vet could determine that HE was sick or that HE was not a HE, she could return HIM. Well, no need to spend lots of money on a vet visit. This morning HE laid an egg. :) Some things just don't need much explanation.

One thought, though. I think the sales staff at said canary shop might need to return to Canary School for a little further training. :)

I love the Canary Lady! She's a great lady!

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