Sunday, March 19, 2006

So what about socialization?????

I don't really know the complete answer to this extremely popular question directed at homeschooling mothers as they juggle their children while putting groceries on the conveyor belt and sorting coupons (whew), BUT I'll give it my best shot. Speaking from experience, of course (however small and limited that may be thus far).

A week in the life of an almost "official" homeschooled kindergartener :) and his sister and brother.

- Jacob attends Mass and joins children at the Children's Liturgy.

- Play date and lunch at friends.
- Jacob and Nicole attend gym class (soon to be T-ball for Jacob).
- Greet and speak politely with the engaged couple visiting our home for a meeting.

- Play date and lunch - our house.
- Homeschool park day.

- Library (Jacob and Nicole chat with librarian).

- Attends Mass and spends the day with grandparents.

And all of this does not include the one form of socialization which I believe will teach them their biggest social lessons in life: daily, 24 hour living with parents and siblings.

The strangers who pose this question at the mailbox or in the checkout might worry. Me? Not one bit! I have better things to worry about. :))

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