Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday, glorious Monday

Let's face it! Some Mondays are more Monday-ish than others. Today is one of those. Of course, now it is almost 4pm and as I sit back and look back at the day, it hasn't turned out quite so bad after all.

This morning found me discouraged from the start. Andrew has had a cold and so his waking during the night was all off. I was frustrated that he was awake too early and generally disappointed in my inability to control everyone's schedule (like, I ever really was anyway). I thought to myself, "I wish everyone would just cooperate with my perfectly laid out little time table." Perfect? Says who? Well, didn't Jesus say we are to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect? Right, yet not so right. He did say those very words, but I think often times many of us, me especially, don't quite have the concept. God does want us to be perfect, but not necessarily in the mundane details of our everyday life. I believe Jesus said this because He wanted us to work toward being perfect in loving as our Heavenly Father loves us perfectly. I wonder - if we were able to perfect the way we love others, would all the other things fall into place? It's worth a try.

Lord, forgive our tendencies to control and be perfect in the eyes of the world. Help me instead to love perfectly and work diligently at all the other tasks at hand, putting it ALL in your hands.

With all that said, my day has not been "perfect." There are many things that have not been accomplished today, but have I loved more perfectly? I hope so.

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