Saturday, April 22, 2006

Getting back to normal

Well, it's a lovely, warm Saturday afternoon and things around here are slowly getting pretty normal again. I think we have survived the nursing strike and aren't too worse for the wear. Andrew still shows some signs of residual resistance to nursing, but even so he has not refused to nurse any of the times it's been offered since he began again. It is such a wonderful thing to have my baby back! I missed him so! I know one day we will be done with this part of our mommy-baby relationship, but hopefully that will be a much more gradual and cheerful goodbye. He is also feeling much better and pretty much back to acting like his old self - lots of silly noises and scrunchy smiles. He is working so hard at pulling up and standing - it must wear him out.

I think I am getting over my fears of being rejected and of doing too much for fear something will trigger him back into the nursing strike. It was such a difficult time - I just don't want to go there again any time in the near future. I pray every time I settle down to feed Andrew and then hold by breath, trying to relax. I guess things just take some time.

The children have spent a lot of time outside yesterday and today hunting doodle bugs, worms, slugs and toads with their neighbor friends a couple of doors down. What fun to hear the squeals of delight echoing down the street as they unearth another treasure. I love that they love being outside - it so good for them.

Tomorrow is a special day. My nephew will be making his First Holy Communion. We are all looking forward to it! As I thought about it today, I realized that the next member of our extended family to receive the Sacrament will be my VERY OWN SON!!!!!!! It cannot be that Jacob will be preparing for this special occasion in 2 short years. It just doesn't seem possible. Oh my, how they do grow fast.

Tonight we are grilling hamburgers - yum yum! I even remembered to buy the necessary beef for said hamburgers. Actually I remembered the beef after I got out to the car and unloaded all the rest of the groceries, including a fresh carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla. I am eternally grateful that my Guardian Angel saw fit to come to my aid BEFORE I got in the car and got all the way home. Burgers just aren't quite the same without the BEEF!

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