Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sorting the mail


Yesterday I had some mail to go through. On my kitchen desk since last Monday were 6 different sealed, stamped envelopes. The problem, you say? These SEALED, STAMPED envelopes had no names and addresses on the outside. :) Last Monday, as I was beginning to struggle with Andrew and the beginnings of his nursing strike, Jacob was alone downstairs creating Easter cards. I knew he was doing this because he had come upstairs during my trauma to ask if he had spelled "peep, peep" correctly. So when I descended 45 minutes later, after getting Andrew to sleep, he met me at the bottom of the stairs with envelopes in hand. "Look Mommy! I made Easter cards for all my friends. We need to mail them." I took the blank envelopes from his hands and discovered they were STAMPED and SEALED.

Mommy: Jacob, do you remember who these are for?

Jacob: Well, I know I made ones for ......

Mommy: Do you remember whose is whose?????

Jacob: No, not really. (big smile as he zooms off to the other room)

So, mommy is left with the task of figuring out how best to NOT waste these SEALED STAMPED envelopes. Now that things are a little more quiet around here, I had time yesterday to open each envelope, decipher Jacob's messages, tape the envelopes closed, and address each one. When Jacob woke up, I received a big hug and then he got himself ready to head to the mailbox.

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