Thursday, April 13, 2006

Holy Thursday

Today marks the beginning of the Easter Triduum. This is one of my favorite times of the Liturgical Year. It's solemnity and beauty is without compare. I enjoy the little things that make each liturgy throughout these days so meaningful. I think I said in my post "49 things about me" that I love being Cahtolic. Well, I say it again - it is a beautiful wonderful thing. Someone I spoke with this evening found out that Brian and Jacob were attending Holy Thursday Mass and she asked where I go to Church. I told her the name of my parish and she responded with, "That's really neat. My denomination - we don't have anything. Just Easter." Of course Easter is the high point of these holy days and oh, so wonderful. But I can't help but think that Easter is so much more when I have journeyed with Jesus through His Last Supper and agony in the Garden on Holy Thursday, His Passion and Death on Good Friday, and the quiet time of waiting on Saturday. Then Easter is a great culmination!

Thank you, Jesus, for washing my feet so that I might serve others with that same selflessness.

Thank you, Jesus, for your Precious Body and Blood that I might someday enjoy eternal life.

Thank you, Jesus, for the Holy Priesthood and all the men who so generously answer Your call in their lives.

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