Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Satisfaction in a day well done

Yesterday was a wonderful day - a success in so many ways. I wrote all this last night (7:50pm) but never got around to posting:

"Why is it that some days go so smoothly and others don't? Why is it that some days maintaining my composure is easy breezy? Why is it that some days are so productive?

I could think of a lot of reasons. But I know first and foremost, it is God providing every bit of grace necessary and that I am actually corresponding with this grace. I think it has to do with starting my day off early - an early morning of prayer and quiet. I believe it can be attributed to the fact that productivity breeds productivity. I also think it has a little to do with the fact that I am fresh from watching a Supernanny episode last night. :)"

It is a new morning now (Wednesday early) and I am hoping for a repeat day. I am thinking about those words I wrote. Does it mean that we never have bad days if we do all these things? No, it does not. I believe the same grace is always there, but then again maybe not. Maybe some days there are stores of graces in waiting that we just never even ask for. But then there are those days we do ask and receive and still things go poorly. Then I must think that it is purely because we are flawed, sinful human beings who fail to correspond to that grace. We make a wrong choice, even a small one, on this journey and it puts a little off course. And then, like I said "productivity breeds productivity," I think poor choices can breed more poor choices. I know I can watch myself and see that happen often. Then my control, my attitude, my behavior and my composure seem to disappear like water down a drain.

I pray that today is similar to yesterday! It was all Him. He hears my crys and then he waits for me to respond. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I want to respond today. I want Him to work through me again today. I'll let you know how it goes. And, of course, another Supernanny episode last night might just help. :)


Melissa said...


Thank you for these timely words.

Hope you enjoy another grace filled day of love and learning!

Mom of boys said...

I know for me having a time of prayer is a tremendous help. I am also much more patient and able to handle normal kid behavior more effectively if I am well rested - not always in my control. Maybe I should pray for adequate rest!