Saturday, March 24, 2007

All in the family

One of my dear, creative sisters wrote the following for me to read after we have struggled with illness for the past several weeks. I asked her if I could post it because I believe many of you, my dear mommy friends, could benefit from her wisdom and insight. It deals with getting sick and sharing germs. Her perspective gave me courage to live out these difficult times of family illness with grace and compassion. After all, getting sick and sharing germs is not some curse sent to wreak havoc on families, but purely part of life as a family. It is up to us to handle it well and use it for growth.

Here are her words:

When someone in the household gets sick, expect another person to get it, if not more. Tell each other that this is a family that shares. We share our germs because that is part of being a family, and that is love. After all, no one likes to be sick alone. If you have two family members that are sick, pair them up as sick buddies, and tell them to take care of each other. This helps them to think of their sick buddy rather than themselves. Plus, sharing the burden is always easier.


Melissa said...

PERFECT timing, Celeste! Thank you! And please thank your sweet sister! :)

mom-in-training said...

What wonderful insight. I love the idea and plan to apply it next time all the kids are sick (which, with our record, can't be too far off!).