Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Babies and Butterflies

Have I told you how much I despise dusting? Well, let me just say that creating this post is a reward for getting the dusting of the den and study done!


At our recent garage sale, I rid myself of the baby mobile we had since Jacob was a baby. It was a hand-me-across and really sweet. But it was always in the way and no one ever seemed to be too interested in it. So I sold it.

So, of course, recently Michael has fallen in love with this little handmade (by Jacob at age 3 or so) mobile in the kids' room. He talks. He smiles. He coos. He gurgles and squeals. In short, a love affair.

So today we did an activity I have been wanting to do. We colored a few more stained glass butterflies to hang from the shelf over his crib. They turned out so lovely.

See? He loves it already!

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