Well, I have not been officially tagged by name for this one, but I have been seeing it around out there. And this morning Cay Gibson at
Cajun Cottage tagged "YOU." So I took that to mean ME! Yeah!
Nope. I have one, two, maybe three. Never wear them, but I should.
I love to bake AND I love to eat what I bake. I think my
favorite think to bake has to be pumpkin bread!
Hmmmm, that sure sounds good!
No. Never had one and I don't think I want one.
DONUTS – Have you ever made them?:
No, I have not, but seeing as I simply adore them, I guess I should give it a try sometime.
EVERY DAY – One homemaking thing you do every day:
Clean up after meals. Some sort of laundry. General tidying up and keeping things in place.
FREEZER – Do you have a separate deep freeze?:
Yes. We bought one about 6 months ago. You see we usually have around 6 to 8 containers of ice cream around. So space was really limited for all the other non-essentials like chicken and beef. Really. I have been filling it up with sale meats and
pre-cooked meals for after baby. I love having it!!!!!
Yep. Relatively new. Got more horsepower this time. I am a disposal-
HANDBOOK – What is your favorite homemaking resource?:
Mostly, all the things my mother taught me and impressed upon me growing up.
Next, I'd have to say the
Internet and books. I love hearing about the innovative ideas that other moms have.
IRONING – Love it or hate it?:
Absolutely hate it. I dry clean Brian's dress shirts if they are not wrinkle free - whoever would buy such a thing????? Otherwise, I try never to buy things that need ironing.
JUNK DRAWER – Y/N? Where is it?:
Yes, in my kitchen. I try to keep it organized, but it is one spot I can't get a handle on. So when I find I am having trouble opening it, I clean it out.
KITCHEN: Design & Decorating?:
Vintage antiques that I have been collecting for years. 30's, 40's and 50's era. Old kitchen utensils and tools and bowls and dishes - and I use it all.
LOVE: What is your favorite part of homemaking?:
Any chore where I really feel like it is clean when I am done. Dusting definitely does into fit into that category. I really love keeping things in their place.
MOP - Y/N?:
I shoot for twice a week - Monday and Friday, but sometimes it's only once. Like last week!
NYLONS - Wash by hand or in the washing machine?:
I don't wear them much at all, so I never really need to wash them.
OVEN - Do you use the window, or open the door to check?:
Open the door. I turn on the light so the kids can peer in, but I need to open it for proof.
PIZZA - What do you put on yours?:
I prefer the works, everything. But nobody else here really likes that.
QUIET - What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?:
When 37 weeks pregnant, it means laying down and closing my eyes - even if I don't really intend to. Normally it would mean getting things accomplished or reading.
Not anymore. I converted everything to a binder with plastic sleeves about a year ago and I love it. Then there are my cookbooks (my favorites are Gooseberry Patch and our Parish cookbook).
Traditional (built in the 90's). Light and bright - I love my home!
We use plastic
placemats that can be wiped down and cloth napkins.
UNDER THE KITCHEN SINK - Organized or toxic wasteland?:
It's organized, but there's not much under there other than the trash can. We relocated most of the stuff since I really didn't like having safety locks on those doors.
VACUUM - How many times per week?:
I aim for once a week upstairs. That doesn't always happen. I aim for twice a week downstairs. That doesn't always happen either. But the kids help with a
dustbuster after at least one meal a day.
WASH - How many loads of laundry do you do a week?:
At this point only 5 to 6, but I am sure that will be changing soon.
X's - Do you keep a daily list of things to do and cross them off?:
Nope. It's all in my head. That might change too.
YARD - Who does what?:
I plant flowers and move shrubs (I do it a lot) and enjoy keeping it pretty. Brian does all the mowing and trimming and heavy work. Jacob likes to do the blower after mowing.
ZZZZ's - What is your last homemaking task for the day before going to bed?:
Make sure the coffee is made and tidy up the house. I love going to bed knowing things are tidy and put away the next morning.
I tag
Michele and