Wednesday, February 21, 2007

No baby yet

Well, this afternoon's appointment went well. I am a "good 2 to 3 cm." It truly could be any time now. My doctor said with a smile, "Well, I'll make your appointment for next Wednesday, but I'll see you on Saturday." That would be fine, especially considering that she is the doctor on call for the weekend! Yeah!

And.....Take away that other spice - the concern over Fifth's disease. My blood test said that I had been exposed a long time ago, so I am immune (so is baby then) and I have not been exposed recently. Yeah! What a load off. Now I think I am officially ready to give up worrying for Lent! :)


Melissa said...

Glad to hear your checkup went well! I'll be crossing my fingers for Saturday!

He who wears the most black wins. said...

Me too!! :) Baby Watch 2007 shall commence!

God Bless you!