Monday, September 22, 2008

Aftermath Photos

Our minimal, MINIMAL damage in photos

The front of our house. The branches there are from a tree in the back.

Lots of branches down, but not too bad.

The gate to the back yard that got blown over the other direction which hit the gas main which popped off a valve which caused a big gas leak which my parents noticed which required the fire department to come and turn off our gas.

The other side of our front fence - down.

The tarp over the play set, but then it was already shredded. It only needed a small breeze to take it out.

The other part of our fence that went down. Actually, we were amazed that's all we lost. Our fence was so old and so sad to begin with.

The tallow tree in the back yard that we lost most of. To chop or to trim - that is the question.

More later,

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