Monday, May 15, 2006

Freeze Andrew!

Andrew Posted by Picasa

Things about me at 11 months and 1 week:

Favorite food(s): Cheddar cubes, bread, goldfish, bananas, grapes
Toy(s) I adore: golf clubs and balls (all kinds)
What I can do: stack rings on stacker, pull up, nest cups, play fetch with balls all by myself, climb up ALL the stairs, give kisses, make doggy barking sounds, go from tummy to sitting
What I do with my days: Wake up, eat, play, nap, wake up, eat, play, nap, wake up, play, eat, play some more, go to bed. Follow Mommy wherever she goes.
Things I will want to know someday: I love my brother and sister so much and I giggle when I see them. I still do not crawl on my hands and knees. I can get up on them, but I still prefer the army crawl. I'm pretty efficient at it, so why bother? I drag plastic golf clubs all over, but when I see Daddy or Jacob with a real golf club, I drop mine and come running. I am weally, weally cute and huggable!

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