Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The love of reading

I sat joyfully tonight as I watched Jacob and Nicole lovingly pass on to Andrew their love of books and reading. I myself am a book addict and have read to the kids so often. I believe this has played at least some part in their love of books. (As I type Jacob is patiently waiting for me to read with him - well, maybe not so patiently - I hear lots of grunts and heavy sighs from over on the floor.) :)) Last night, everyone was toothbrushed and pajama-ed and Jacob asked if he could read to Andrew. So I said, "NO, child NO!!!!" Hee hee. I promptly readied them all for reading and this is what ensued. How precious are these gifts. They may argue and squabble and push each other on any given day, but even so, love abounds. For that I am immensely thankful this day!

1 comment:

Crafty Mom said...

AWWWWW! how sweet are they? Can you get my little guys to sit like that now??

We picked up the Donald Crews freight train book at the library and am hoping for some cuddle time with my little guy now.