Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The kind of Mommy I am

As some other Catholic moms on other Catholic blogs have done, I took this little quiz. And here's what I discovered about my mothering type. Pretty neat. Yet pretty weird when you read about yourself with such accuracy.

Your type is: ESTJ — The “How-To” Mother

“We’re the mothers you like to carpool with. Not only are we on time, we organize the driving schedule for everyone.”

Organized and comfortable being in charge, the ESTJ mother knows “how to” get things done, make things happen, and accomplish much on behalf of her children. Whether she is encouraging them to get involved in organized activities or talking with them about their personal concerns, children of the ESTJ mother learn “how to” succeed in life.
Upbeat and matter-of-fact, the ESTJ mother is intent on her children having the best. She puts her skills and talents to work to this end, from planning trips that supplement their studies to raising funds for new playground equipment. She is happiest when her efforts produce concrete results — children who try out for teams, participate in academic competitions, or are leaders among their peers.
The ESTJ mother runs a tight household. She is apt to have predictable expectations, consistent routines, standard procedures, and well-defined boundaries, all of which help her children feel protected and secure.

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