Friday, December 08, 2006

Flu Shots

Well, the dreaded day arrived on Wednesday. It was time for flu shots. Last year, Jacob and Nicole got them for the first time. Andrew wasn't old enough. This year all three were getting them. While it made me nervous, especially for Andrew and how he would respond to it, we decided it was a good idea considering our illness track record the past couple of months.

So off we went at 3:30 that afternoon. It was a special clinic at the pediatrician's office so we got in pretty quickly. Jacob had been dreading the event all afternoon. The WORD "shot" makes him bawl. Nicole had convinced herself earlier in the day the she "loves shots" and that she would be brave. And Andrew, well, he didn't know what he was in for.

Nicole was first the first victim. In her decisive and determined little way I'd have to say she took it like a man. :)) She did exactly as she had proposed and was terribly brave. Laid down on the table, received the shot without even so much as a whimper and hopped up and off. Andrew was next. He started crying the minute he hit the table - not because he knew what was coming, but because he is sensitive and even the doctor looking at him makes him cry. He did fine, though, and the crying was over soon after I picked him up. Then the biggie - Jacob. It took much coaxing to get him on the table. Thank goodness Brian was there too. The difference was the nurse. She was fantastic. She talked him through it, told him she wouldn't surprise him and she didn't. What a pro! What an angel! Then they stuck him and it was over. After the upset subsided, Jacob admitted it wasn't so bad. Now if he will only remember that for next time.

They all took it well. No noticeable side effects. Andrew's booster comes in a month, but I feel prepared to handle that one.

May we always be a comfort to the children God has blessed us with. And a watermelon slush from Sonic never hurts either!

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