Thursday, November 16, 2006

Being Open to Life

Danielle linked to Amy and Amy linked to someone else and so on and so forth. Anyway, in a nutshell, the discussion deals with a group of Christians that do not use any form of birth control and do not support the use of NFP or fertility awareness. It is termed the "quiverfull" movement.
They are criticized for these practices and beliefs and as someone else mentioned this criticism seems to me highly unnecessary.

As I thought about it all this evening, I realized that it all comes back to being open to life, the Catholic Church's key teaching where marriage, sex and babies are concerned.

Think of it this way for a moment:

Say a family is a "quiverfull" proponent and chooses not to practice fertility awareness methods. They are open to God's will as far as their family size is concerned. God may send them 15 children. They have been open to life and God's will has been done.

Say there's another family that is also a "quiverfull" proponent, identical in every way to the first. They are equally open to God's will as far as their family size is concerned. However, God may send them 2 children. They have been open to life also and God's will has been done.

The first family is no more a "quiverfull" family than the other. Nor is the second family any less. Why? Because it all comes down to openness to life and God's will for each particular family. If we are completely open to life and God's will then, by all means, God's will WILL be done. In a way, it's all about attitude.

No child is an accident. God never says, "Oooops, I forgot you were laid off work three months ago. That baby you just conceived was an accident on my part. Sorry." NEVER. That just doesn't happen. God's will is perfect. Each child is planned by God. The child that arrives 3 months after your husband is laid off work has a purpose and was planned by God. The child that arrives after 3 years of trying has a purpose and was planned by God. Maybe the child is going to change us and help us to grow as Christians like we never thought possible. Who knows!!!

So to me it doesn't matter a whole lot whether you subscribe to the "quiverfull" movement or not. God's will wins out.

I do believe that the Catholic Church is correct in saying that NFP CAN BE used morally and licitly in marriage to space babies. Granted, the Church also says that a "just" reason(s) must be present. Might we say, unselfish. The key here, once again, is openness to life and God's will for your family.

So you see. It all comes back to openness to life. And being open to life can have varied outcomes, as far as size is concerned, for each individual family.

May I be open to life and your will, my Lord. I don't know what you have planned for us. It is scary at times, the thought of what your will might be. But I know it is perfect. Your plan is perfect. You are perfect. I am not. May I rely on you and the strength you will give me and my family for whatever you send our way.

1 comment:

He who wears the most black wins. said...

Perfect. Thank you for putting into words what I feel in my heart.