Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Martha and Mary

Today's Gospel presents us with the familiar story of Jesus' visit to Mary and Martha in Bethany. Martha is busy serving. Mary sits at the feet of Jesus. Recall these words?

"Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen he better part and it will not be taken from her."

How often Jesus must shake his head at me and say, "Oh, Celeste, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing." Period. End of statement. I can picture Jesus standing there, staring at me after saying those words - silent, serene. "But, Lord! What is that one thing? What is that one thing I need? Huh? Huh?"

As I thought this morning (dangerous, I know), I realized that maybe there isn't just ONE thing I need at all times and in all circumstances. Yes, I need Jesus. I know. But what I mean is that when Jesus utters these words to me in my heart of hearts, He is wanting me to look at the moment and see, "What is the one thing I need right now?" I am concerned over a sick child - pouring drinks, inquiring as to their status every 5 minutes, taking temperatures often. I am anxious and worried. What is the one thing needed just then? If I look I might see that what is really needed is a favorite book reading session or a Mommy who just sits on the sofa next to her sickie and enjoys episode after episode of "The Cisco Kid." Now I know it doesn't mean we do nothing, never serve. But I do believe we miss so many simple opportunities to sit at the feet of Jesus when we are overconcerned and blinded by daily life and its myriad tasks. Essentially, we need to be both a Martha and a Mary, with maybe a little more attention on the Mary half since our society calls us to be so Martha-ish.

There are so many concerns in daily life that call for our attention - scream, might I add. Yet, so often maybe we miss that "one thing." Today I pray that the Holy Spirit will give me the inspiration I need at those moments when I really need to look for that one thing.

P.S. We are still battling sickness here. Jacob has been coughing for 9 days and Saturday afternoon began with a fever. Really thinking virus had turned to infection, we went to the doctor yesterday. He was clear and clean. We left with a new cough medicine. As of last night he still had a fever. He seems to feel better, but the cough lingers and the fever still hangs on. They said call tomorrow afternoon if the fever hasn't left. We'll see. I so want him to be well. Pray that he will get well and that we will all stay well. Pray too that I may not be anxious and worried about many things.


Melissa said...

Oh, Celeste! Prayers for you and your little ones!

This was a beautiful reminder that I really needed to hear. Thank you!

Mom of boys said...

I am so sorry that he still doesn't feel well! I will say a prayer for you all today!