And that it was.
I sit here with a nice mug of hot apple cider (instant - have made my yummy spiced tea mix yet) and typing away, reflecting on this perfectly lovely day.
This morning we woke up to wind, I mean WIND! I went off to my doctor's appointment. There was enough wind to practically knock this little pregnant lady over. When I returned home, we did some lessons and then around 11:30, before lunch was ready, the kids begged me to go out. And so they did. They spent lots of time before and after lunch playing in the sunshiny, windy backyard. Actually, the weather was so perfect, we were still in shorts! It was wonderful! They were having so much fun and I rarely heard a raised voice or argument. They were just having fun TOGETHER. They stayed out till almost 2pm (time for naps/rests) and just before then Andrew got sand in his eyes. But we recoverd nicely. What a fun time!
(A few fun action photos)
Later this afternoon after naptime we decided to walk down to get the mail and enjoy the last little bit of this blustery day before dark. We stepped out and practically ran back in. We were no longer comfortable in our shorts. We put on pants (all except Jacob - he insisted he wasn't cold!) and made our way back out. The temperature had really changed. I think we are in for a 43 degree night and a lovely, sunny 67 degree day tomorrow! Aaah, this is fall.
What perfectly lovely, sunny, blustery, fall day. Thank you Jesus.
I'll trade you my 43 degree high with lots of rain for your wind and 68 high. AAHHH Texas, who knew what we were leaving??
Sounds so nice. Sweet pictures of the kids. I love it when they just play nicely together. It really makes life seem so good when you can just sit back and watch them be friends. ;)
I'll trade you, too! We're looking at 50+mph winds here with a high of 39. Brrrrr!
The same thing happened to us. We had been shopping in our shorts this morning and were fine, except for the strong wind. Then we went to park day and nearly froze! I felt like such a bad mother - I didn't bring our coats or anything!
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